Ph.D. candidate, Anthropology, Univ. of Florida
M.A., Anthropology, East Carolina Univ., 2015
B.A., Anthropology, Appalachian State Univ., 2009
Background and Research Interests
Terry entered the doctoral program at the University of Florida in the fall of 2015 after completion of his Master’s degree at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina. His thesis examined the 2011 field season material from a stratified relict dune site along the Tar River in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina containing Early Archaic through Early Woodland deposits. Prior to returning to graduate studies at ECU he spent three years as a field technician and crew leader on cultural resource projects primarily in the lower southeast and Tennessee Valley. His concentration is now on the late pre-Columbian communities of Florida and the Gulf Coast. He is also interested in the ritual and spiritual use of marine shell, the materiality of marine shell, Practice Theory, social landscapes and place-making, monumentality, and pre-Columbian technology.
Current Research Projects
At the University of Florida, Terry’s dissertation work is focused on the shell bead industry and attendant economic practices centered on Raleigh Island, located north of Cedar Key, Florida. Additionally, he assists in various projects and analyses undertaken by LSA staff and affiliates.
Recent Publications
- Barbour, Terry E., Kenneth E. Sassaman, Angelica Maria Almeyda Zambrano, Eben North Broadbent, Ben Wilkinson, and Richard Kanaski. 2019. Rare Pre-Columbian Settlement on the Florida Gulf Coast Revealed through High-Resolution Drone LiDAR Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116:23493-23498.
- Sassaman, Kenneth E., Meggan E. Blessing, Joshua M. Goodwin, Jessica A. Jenkins, Ginessa J. Mahar, Anthony Boucher, Terry E. Barbour, and Mark C. Donop. 2020. Maritime Ritual Economy of Cosmic Synchronicity: Summer Solstice Events at a Civic-Ceremonial Center on the Northern Gulf Coast of Florida. American Antiquity 85:22-50.
- Christopher R. Moore, Mark J. Brooks, I. Randolph Daniel, Jr., Andrew H. Ivester, James K. Feathers, and Terry E. Barbour
2018 Regional Manifestations of Late Quaternary Climate Change and Archaeological Site Burial along the South Atlantic Coastal Plain. In Early Human Life in the Southeastern Coastal Plain, edited by Christopher R. Moore and Al Goodyear. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.
Recent Conference Presentations
- Barbour, Terry E. 2019. Entrepreneurs or Working Stiffs?. Paper presented at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference. Jackson, Mississippi.
- Barbour, Terry E. 2019. Introducing Raleigh Island (8LV293): Shell Beads, Shell Rings, and the Mississippian in Florida. Paper presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Florida Anthropology Society. Crystal River, Florida.
- Barbour, Terry E. 2018. The View Source-Side: Marine Shell Bead Production in the Gulf. Paper presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference. Augusta, Georgia.
- Barbour, Terry E. and Jessica A. Jenkins. 2018. Materializing the Historical Trajectories of Oyster Shell Structures on Florida’s Gulf Coast. Paper presented at the 2018 Meeting of the North American Theoretical Archaeology Group. Gainesville, Florida.
- Barbour, Terry E. 2016. A Long String of History: Shell Beads in the Mississippian Southeast. Paper presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference. Athens, Georgia.