M.A. student, Anthropology, Univ. of Florida
B.A., Anthropology, Southern New Hampshire Univ., 2022
During her undergraduate program, Morgan focused on water, climate change, and environmental sustainability, which culminated in a thesis on flooding caused by climate change on the lower Mississippi River, the projected impacts on African American communities along the river, and potential mitigation solutions. Using historical records and projected climate models, Morgan determined the high likelihood of increased flooding, the disproportionate impact of this flooding on African American communities, and an inadequate emergency response program for severe weather in the face of worsening climate change. She proposed several potential solutions using anthropological methodology and ethics to consider the factors of these issues, which resulted in three suggestions: reestablishment of wetlands, land buy-back in dangerous areas, and flood response reform. As part of her Master’s program, Morgan is interested in Public Archaeology, GIS, climate change, Cultural Resource Management, and Rescue/Salvage Archaeology.