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Anthony Boucher

Ph.D. student, Anthropology, Univ. of Florida
M.A., Anthropology, Univ. of Florida, 2017
B.A., Anthropology, Univ. of Florida, 2015

Anthony’s master’s thesis reported on the results of a shovel-test survey that documented the remnants of Dennis Creek Mound (8LV41) and the 250-meter stretch of land between it and Shell Mound (8LV42), a Woodland Period civic-ceremonial center on Florida’s northern Gulf Coast. More generally, his work examined the deep histories of practice embedded within the landscape prior to and after the abandonment of Shell Mound. As an undergraduate, Anthony focused primarily on lithic debitage and biface analysis from assemblages recovered by the LSA from Archaic and Woodland period sites around Florida. His research interests also include social landscapes, phenomenology, place-making, and monumentality.

Current Research Projects

For his dissertation, Anthony is working at the Silver Glen Run complex (8LA1), on the middle St. Johns. His 2018 fieldwork was conducted on a steep escarpment immediately south of the spring run, targeting secondary refuse deposits, along with a hitherto undocumented species or subspecies of Viviparus georgianus. Through the analysis of the assemblages recovered along the escarpment, this research aims to further illustrate the relationship between time and space shared along the Silver Glen Run.

Recent Publications

  • Sassaman, Kenneth E., Meggan E. Blessing, Joshua M. Goodwin, Jessica A. Jenkins, Ginessa J. Mahar, Anthony Boucher, Terry E. Barbour, and Mark C. Donop. 2020. Maritime Ritual Economy of Cosmic Synchronicity: Summer Solstice Events at a Civic-Ceremonial Center on the Northern Gulf Coast of Florida. American Antiquity 85:22-50.
  • Sassaman, K. E., N. J. Wallis, P. M. McFadden. G. J. Mahar, J. A. Jenkins, M. C. Donop, M. P. Mones, A. Palmiotto, A. Boucher. J. M. Goodwin, C. I. Oliveira. 2017. Keeping Pace with Rising Sea: The First Six Years of the Lower Suwannee Archaeological Survey. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 12:173-199.
  • Sassaman, Kenneth E., Ginnessa J. Mahar, Mark C. Donop, Jessica A. Jenkins, Anthony Boucher, Christina I. Oliveira, Joshua M. Goodwin. 2015. Lower Suwannee Archaeological Survey 2013-2014: Shell Mound and Cedar Key Tracts. Technical Report 23. Laboratory of Southeastern Archaeology, Department of Anthropology, University of Florida, Gainesville.

Recent Conference Presentations

  • Boucher, Anthony. 2018. Referencing the Archaic on a Woodland Landscape on Florida’s Northern Gulf Coast. Paper presented at the 83th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Washington, DC.